Caffeine 150 Capsules (300mg)
- is a stimulant and an easy and cost-effective way of providing energy as well as mental alertness when you need to perform at your best.
- boosts metabolism and increases fat burning.
- can improve physical performance and endurance.
- before workouts may result in longer endurance, faster times, less exertion, less fatigue, and more rapid recovery.
Conversion of fat to energy may be up to 30 percent more efficient when caffeine is consumed prior to exercise. Caffeine is the most active ingredient in many diet pills. It has been shown to speed metabolism, break down fat, freeing fatty acids which are immediately burned.
- As a dietary supplement
- Workout (One to two capsules before or during a vigorous workout)
- Fat Burning (One to two capsules before breakfast, lunch, and training)
Consider reducing caffeine 3-4 days before an important event. This allows tolerance to caffeine to decrease and ensures the maximum ergogenic effect.
For your convenience, we also sell a smaller quantity. To be redirected to this page, click here.
Caution: For adults only. Do not take if pregnant or breastfeeding. Consult a physician if taking medication, or if you have a medical condition.
Keep out of reach of children.
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The My Health range of products are a range of standalone supplements to target specific gaps in your existing diet or to help you achieve a specific health or performance goal. We are committed to offering our customers high-quality supplements and we are continually looking for the best product manufacturers locally or abroad to source our raw materials.
My Health Supplements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have any questions or concerns about using any My Health Supplements, please consult your doctor.
Related products
– BOOSTS ATHLETIC PERFORMANCEPine Bark contains powerful antioxidants called oligomeric proanthocyanidins compounds (OPC’s). These antioxidants are a potent scavenger of free radicals and protect against oxidative stress and cellular damage, and may help repair the damage that has already been done. Antioxidants are also thought to have a role in slowing the aging process and helping prevent chronic illness.
Studies indicate that Pine Bark also has anti-inflammatory, immunostimulant, and neuroprotective effects. Pine Bark extract, therefore, is an important support for healthy aging, vibrant health, and wellbeing.
Pine Bark has been shown to enhance the production of nitric oxide (NO), a blood gas that enhances blood vessel dilation and an increase of blood flow and oxygen supply to the muscles. This leads to improved circulation to vital organs and is clinically shown to support healthy triglyceride levels, glucose levels, blood pressure, and overall circulation. Studies have shown enhanced nitric oxide significantly decreases erectile dysfunction, especially when combined with L-Arginine.
Pine bark extract has been studied regarding its relationship to exercise performance and has been found to boost athletic performance in trained athletes. It does this by improving the time it takes the body to reach a fatigued state through increased serum NAD+ levels. Additionally, athletes have endured less cramping and muscle pain when using the extract. It is likely that muscle recovery time improved as well due to the high antioxidants pine bark extract contains.
Pine bark extract is the more purified version of pine bark. Our Pine Bark extract contains 95% procyanidin content which is among the highest potency available. The pine varieties that we use in our product are Pinus Massoniana Lamb and Pinus Tabuli Formis Carr.
As a dietary supplement take one capsule per day.
Love this product? Your health is important to use. We would like to recommend the following in accordance with your preference: Tongkat Ali and Agmatine Sulphate (click to be redirected to these pages).
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The My Health range of products are a range of standalone supplements to target specific gaps in your existing diet or to help you achieve a specific health or performance goal. We are committed to offering our customers high-quality supplements and we are continually looking for the best product manufacturers locally or abroad to source our raw materials.
My Health Supplements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have any questions or concerns about using any My Health Supplements, please consult your doctor.
– NATURAL SINGLE FOOD MULTIVITAMINMoringa Oleifera is known as the ‘Miracle Tree’ and is often described as the world’s most nutritious plant. Few foods match the Moringa for its range and quantity of nutrients. It is classified as a ‘Super Food’ with exceptional nutritional value for humans.
Moringa is the ideal single food supplement and multivitamin. Analysis of Moringa Oleifera shows it contains an impressive 90 plus nutrients, including some 46 antioxidants, 20 amino acids including all the essential ones, vitamins and minerals, chlorophyll, anti-inflammatories, antibacterials, and omega fatty acids 3-6-9. Moringa is high in vitamin A, vitamin B, magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium, and zinc. All of these are in their natural food state and are absorbed readily and efficiently by the body for good health.
Moringa powder has a very bitter taste and can be difficult to consume. For your easy consumption, we are pleased to offer these easy-to-swallow vegetable capsules.
As a dietary supplement, take two to four capsules daily.
Caution: For adults only. Do not take if pregnant or breastfeeding. Consult a physician if taking medication, or if you have a medical condition.
Keep out of reach of children.
Can’t get enough of this product? We also sell this product in powder form for your convenience. To be redirected to this page, click here.
Have you seen our Facebook Page? Like our page for exclusive offers.
The My Health range of products are a range of standalone supplements to target specific gaps in your existing diet or to help you achieve a specific health or performance goal. We are committed to offering our customers high-quality supplements and we are continually looking for the best product manufacturers locally or abroad to source our raw materials.
My Health Supplements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have any questions or concerns about using any My Health Supplements, please consult your doctor.
This healing balm:
– ALL-NATURALJust Natural Healing Balm is made from pure beeswax, honey, and propolis plus five different essential healing oils:
- Tea Tree oil
- Lavender oil
- Eucalyptus oil
- Sweet Almond oil
- Jojoba oil
– Smooths and relieves skin conditions such as eczema, allergic reactions, insect bites and stings, rashes, and piles.
– Helps minor burns and wounds such as nappy rash and cold sores.
– Soothes dry skin conditions such as chapped lips, cuticles, heels, and elbows.
– A natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal remedy.Can’t get enough of this product? For your convenience, we also sell other quantities. To be redirected to these pages, click for 30g or 125g
Have you seen our Facebook Page? Like our page for exclusive offers.
The My Health range of products are a range of standalone supplements to target specific gaps in your existing diet or to help you achieve a specific health or performance goal. We are committed to offering our customers high-quality supplements and we are continually looking for the best product manufacturers locally or abroad to source our raw materials.
My Health Supplements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have any questions or concerns about using any My Health Supplements, please consult your doctor.
Melaskin Remedy is a specialized organic cream that assists in the natural treatment of sun-damaged skin and a variety of viral and fungal problems. It is a traditional healing balm, used for centuries, and now uniquely produced in an enhanced organic process. Melaskin Remedy is being widely accepted as a viable and natural treatment for a plethora of skin ailments.
Melaskin Remedy is a unique organic skincare product that has been developed by a highly qualified Chemist who is an acknowledged leader in the successful development of organic products.
African Sausage
Kigelia from the curiously named “sausage tree” with its strong antibacterial activity, is an ingredient that has been used for over 100 years by our indigenous people. It has earned absolute confidence in its treatment of Solar Keratosis ( a small thick scaly growth or lump on the skin which, if left untreated, could lead to a risk of skin cancer) and fungal infections. The Tonga women of the Zambesi valley regularly apply cosmetic preparations of Kigelia fruit to their faces to ensure a blemish-free complexion, and because of its excellent hydrating properties, makes an excellent face/night cream.
** Antibacterial, fever blisters, sun damage, retards growth of “fast-dividing” cells, fungal infections
African Potato
The African potato has been found to be over 300 000 years old and has an extremely high phytosterol content that boosts the human immune system.
** Natural immune booster, Solar keratosis, sun damage, sunburn, acne, rashes, cracked heels, stings
Sutherlandia (also known as the cancer bush) has anti-microbial properties and also has the ability to modulate the immune system in the skin. It has positive effects on acne, herpes, ringworm, athlete’s foot, and various viral, fungal, and bacterial infections.
** Balances pH of the skin, chickenpox, fungal and viral conditions, such as athlete’s foot.
It is the combined synergy of these three components, Kigelia, African potato, and Sutherlandia that enables Melaskin Remedy to be an extremely effective skin treatment.
Melaskin Organic Cream is proud to be associated with PhytoTrade Africa, a Fair Trade organization promoting sustainable harvesting of indigenous plants in the wild. PhytoTrade actively monitors and controls the quantities harvested to protect our heritage and to ensure a constant supply of raw ingredients in the future, and in so doing, ensure the upliftment of local communities. It is an interesting fact that the potency of products harvested in their natural wild environment far exceeds those commercially grown plants.
Gently massage into the affected area at least twice a day. Melaskin Remedy can also be used as a night cream or general skin lotion.
Melaskin Remedy is packed in amber glass jars and is available in 100ml.
The My Health range of products are a range of standalone supplements to target specific gaps in your existing diet or to help you achieve a specific health or performance goal. We are committed to offering our customers high-quality supplements and we are continually looking for the best product manufacturers locally or abroad to source our raw materials.
My Health Supplements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have any questions or concerns about using any My Health Supplements, please consult your doctor.
Melaskin Remedy (100ml)